Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Fruit of the Spirit Pictures, Images and Photos

Boy oh boy!!! Was it just me or was this week just a beating? :) I was convicted in lots more ways than just one. I have a tendency to think (and probably would be safe to say) that everyone has at least one area of their life where they are undisciplined. Am I right? I honestly wasn't really loving having to answer the questions this week. :S The very fact that I wasn't able to get this posted on time had every bit to do with my discipline or lack thereof!

I won't ask you to go as far as sharing what you areas you are undisciplined in but I will share mine. My list goes a little something like this:

daily quiet time
reading my Bible
praying diligently
time management
keeping in touch with my loved ones
...and the list goes on....

I do have to admit that my biggest area of struggle and something I have struggled with FOREVER is daily quiet time including reading my Bible. I have the.hardest.time.with.this! I don't understand why. I think that it goes back to some of the previous chapters. I am just worn out and my priorities are not in the right place. I know that if I got up just 30 minutes earlier in the morning and did my Bible study that my days would be filled with so much more of those things that Angela talked about in day 5 - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness - just a few areas that I need help in! I ask that you pray for me in this area and someone please help me be accountable to this! :)

There was so much good stuff this week but I love her list of 10 things to do to start living a life of discipline versus the alternative. I jotted down some things and I really hope that with God's help, I can do better.

I will close with a thought. I was thinking about discipline in regards to my children. I heard it once that children NEED discipline and actually want it. When we don't discipline our children, their worlds will be chaotic and they will never grow up learning to be disciplined in any area of their lives. As I thought about that it made so much sense with regards to discipline in our lives as well. If we don't have discpline our lives with be chaotic and we will just start to spin out of control. How true is that? I stress myself out with all of the things that I NEED to do but don't for various reasons - I'm too tired, I had a long day, it will take too long, I JUST DON'T WANT TO!!! Get what I'm saying?

Ladies, just know that you are not alone in your struggles with this. I struggle as I am sure the entire human population does. It's tough and I truly believe that the battle between flesh and spirit will only be won through prayer, Scripture reading, and DISCIPLINE!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Wow! This week was challenging to say the least. We have really dug deep to some things that bother us or keep us in bondage or simply make us not what God wants us to be. As I began really thinking about thorns in my life this week I thought about the difference between those things that I can change and those that I cannot. Like...what is it that I am holding on to and how do I react to it when it "pricks" me? I really liked something that Angela said this week about how our thorn(s) build our character. I absolutely think it's true. For those things, people, or situations in our life that we cannot change, how do we deal with them? I know I have failed miserably putting the best foot forward and having a godly attitude when I feel hurt and injured by these thorns.

One of my favorite things that Angela says this week is on page 43 when she says, "I also don't think that every bad thing or every inconvenience is the work of a demon. We live in a fallen world, and people make mistakes. Even really good people do dumb things that result in negative consequences." I would go even further and say that bad things happen to us even when we don't do anything wrong. We can trip and fall and break our face and we may not have done anything wrong. We can get cancer and die and the fact is that we live in a fallen world and death is a part of that because we cannot live forever in this state.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:12-13

So, maybe God is trying to teach us something from our thorns.  God is changing our focus to Him instead of our hurt and discomfort.  Next time your thorn "pokes" you in just the right wrong way, instead of grumbling and wondering what in the world to do next, why don't we focus on what God is trying to show us.  Look at the situation from a different perspective and just as Angela describes in the last section - ask God to show you how He would like you to grow and surrender your thorn to Him.

I love you, my sisters! :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Am Worn Out!

Okay, my sweet friends!  How was your first week of study?  I know I was convicted of some things and how ironic was it that I found somedays I was just too "worn out" to do the study??!  :S  I know some of you know what I'm talking about.  I really think that God has placed each one of us in contact with this very study on this very blog for a reason!  I am so glad you are here!

So...what makes us tired?  When I read that question, I just kind of scoffed and thought of my can I NOT be tired?  I have two small children, a full time job, I am 5 months pregnant, and a newly blossoming ministry.  BUT...God still wants us to be obedient to Him and do as HE has called us, not necessarily what WE have called ourselves to.  I have heard this before and Angela reminds of this during the study this week:  "Even good things need to go if they are standing in the way of what God has called you to."  So, I would ask discussion on this topic....what can you cut out of your life that is making you tired?

I love that God has given us permission and actually commanded that we rest!  GREAT NEWS!!  We do not have to be everything to all people!  That is so hard - especially for women.  We strive for perfection and we should strive for that but with the knowledge that we will never achieve it.  The very fact that Jesus REQUIRED rest and took it makes me realize how very important it is.  God wants us to come to Him and He will give us rest for our souls.

In days 4 and 5, Angela walks us through 8 lessons concerning God's provisions for the worn out.  Which one(s) of those spoke to you the most?  For me it was #6 - Repentence leads to refreshing.  I have done a lot of SERIOUS repenting in the past year!  I have DEFINITELY been refreshed but God is not done with me yet.  I have realized that even the little things need repentance and am convicted of feeling "done" in my repentance.  The other one that was big for me was #8 - Godly friends refresh your soul.  So often I spend my energy and time doing everything in my power to be someone's friend or have someone like me.  It is dumb to me when I think about how much time and energy I spend trying to get others to like me and like being around me.  If I have to try that hard and WEAR MYSELF OUT, it isn't worth it!  I have some AMAZING friends!!!  I have friends, as we probably all do, that play different roles in our lives.  I have about 3 friends who truly are soul refreshers for me.  I can call them at any time of the day (or text, facebook, or email) and they are always there with a prayer or an encouraging word.  I am BLESSED beyond measure with those kinds of friends.  May I strive to be that for my friends as well.

Where do you go when you are worn out? I know we have all been there and might be there now.  You might be worn out after reading what all I just wrote!!!  :)  I hope that this Bible study and this group of  "friends" refreshes your soul and helps you on your journey in being "BRAVE" enough to seek God's guidance on issues we all face but don't want to talk about.

Love you all!  And, let's talk.......ready...set...GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

"Brave" by Angela Thomas - week 1

***Okay, I have changed this post a little because I think it was a little confusing how we are going to do this study....

The first thing to do is purchase the "Brave"BIBLE STUDY book by Angela Thomas.  I had a hard time finding it anywhere besides Lifeway or online. 

Then, starting tomorrow, everyone will come and post on THIS BLOG the information below....

This week we will introduce ourselves.  Please post a comment on here telling everyone your name, where you are from, and a little about yourself.  Also, if you are willing to share, I would ask that you also include an insecurity, flaw, or struggle that is keeping you from being "brave." 

This coming week (starting tomorrow) we will read the first WEEK of the study.

Next Tuesday night I will post a new blog about the first WEEK'S materials.  We will then begin discussion about what God is teaching us, saying to us, or any questions/thoughts anyone has.  It will not be on video and we will not skype.  It will strictly be through blog comments. 

Don't forget to invite your friends!  The more the merrier!  Let me know if you have questions!

Looking forward to it!!
Rikki :)